Archive for abril 2011

My Profession


Hi. Well. i have to tell you about why i decide to become a vet. When i was a child i always has a conection with the animals. In fact, i have a lot of stories with animals. Well, i remember when i find a owl trapped in a grid in my grampa's farm.
Well, I like the career, it's hard, but no one says that's was easy. In Fact. It's so difficult that sometimes makes me feel a little depressed. That's why i have the Taekwondo. I think that if i don't practice another thing i will explode.
I'm thinking about what will i'm going to do after i finish my studies. This carrer has a lot of posibilities. You will work with horses, or with cows, or sheeps, or dogs, or cats, or in a lab, etc. I'd like animal production, work with milk. meat. or things like that. I hope to decide soon because the time pass fast.

My reaction when i entered to the university


My pets


Well. I can't be a good veterinary if i don't have animals in my house

That thing is my cat, and yes, it sleeps in a box. Her name is "Mancha". And i find her in the garbage (not a joke). It has 5 years old.

This is my dog. Chilestolz Flind. But we call him Flind (and i call him #$&% dog). I buyed him 3 years ago when it was a puppy and now he is a realy good golden retriever.
Note: he don't have any genetical disease if you want to know it .



My name is René Oliva. I'm a 19 years old Veterinary student and this is my blog.
basicly this blogg borns like a English class's homework, so i´m going to use this blogg to tell you what´s happen in my student's life like tests, classroom experiences, taekwondo stuffs (yes, i practice taekwondo) and things like that.
Well, last week was so bored, NOTHING HAPPENDED!!. so, i think i'll don't have enougth material to write in a blog. I expect that next week wil be better, i say, to write about something good. I don't believe that you like's so much if i talk about animal behavior, ephidemiology, economy, histology, anatomy or ornitology. So, i hope that.