Archive for mayo 2011



Hello everybody. I will talk you about one of my favourite’s subjects. It calls physiology and talks about the functions of the different organs of the body. When we started with the subject we talk about homeostasis, how the body regulates his different concentrations of elements. Then we go to the nervous system function and how it works. Later we talk about muscles, renal physiology, heart function and pulmonary function. The classes are a little stressing but when you take the rhythm you can learn a lot. Usually the class are from 9 o clock to 12 and a little more, but some days the professor let us like 13 o clock. There’s a lot of reasons why i like that subject, but one of the most important it’s that when i go for the life and see a medical emergency i can know what’s happening, what thing i have to do and what not have to do and most important, what i don’t do that things that i say i don’t have to do. Another reason for love this subject it’s maybe a little disappointing, but it’s important to me... it’s because i have good marks. That is important to me and motivates me.

Life philosophy


John Snow


Hello. I’m going to talk you about John Snow.
Who is John snow? He’s considered as the father of the modern Epidemiology. But how he started? He has born in March 1813 in York, England. In 1837, he began working at the Westminster hospital as a surgeon. In 1854 Snow noticed a cholera outbreak and he discovers that it can be transmitted by a morbid matter intake that when it was expelled, that things going to the tamesis river and complete the cicle. He made a map and noticed that the places with more infecteds are so much closer to a water pump. He dissable the bomb and decreased the desease. a couple of years latter the vibrio cholerae was discovered. John Snow dies in June 1858.
why i like him? he started to think in epidemiology before it was instaurated as a cience. If the people act like him, a lot of diseases will be decreased and the world was more healty. It's true that he has a memorial by he's discovering, and the most important. he has a brewery with his name.