

My name is René Oliva. I'm a 19 years old Veterinary student and this is my blog.
basicly this blogg borns like a English class's homework, so i´m going to use this blogg to tell you what´s happen in my student's life like tests, classroom experiences, taekwondo stuffs (yes, i practice taekwondo) and things like that.
Well, last week was so bored, NOTHING HAPPENDED!!. so, i think i'll don't have enougth material to write in a blog. I expect that next week wil be better, i say, to write about something good. I don't believe that you like's so much if i talk about animal behavior, ephidemiology, economy, histology, anatomy or ornitology. So, i hope that.

2 Responses to “Hi”

  1. hi rene !!
    your blog is cool :D
    I hope you are very nice
    see you soon

  2. Miss says:

    well done! very nice blog and videos as well

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