My Profession


Hi. Well. i have to tell you about why i decide to become a vet. When i was a child i always has a conection with the animals. In fact, i have a lot of stories with animals. Well, i remember when i find a owl trapped in a grid in my grampa's farm.
Well, I like the career, it's hard, but no one says that's was easy. In Fact. It's so difficult that sometimes makes me feel a little depressed. That's why i have the Taekwondo. I think that if i don't practice another thing i will explode.
I'm thinking about what will i'm going to do after i finish my studies. This carrer has a lot of posibilities. You will work with horses, or with cows, or sheeps, or dogs, or cats, or in a lab, etc. I'd like animal production, work with milk. meat. or things like that. I hope to decide soon because the time pass fast.

4 Responses to “My Profession”

  1. nina says:

    Hi Rene!
    it`s true that thing you said about the time
    it pass really fast!
    but don`t worry,
    you`re not the only one who is not sure about it
    so, i ghess i see you in the uni

    bye bye! :)

  2. Miss says:

    Hi. Well. i have to tell you about why i decide to become a vet. When i was a child i always WF has a conection with WW the animals. In fact, i have a lot of stories with animals. Well, i remember when i TENSE find a owl trapped in a grid in my grampa's farm.
    Well, I like the SP carrer, it's hard, but no one says that's was easy. In Fact. It's so SP dificult that sometimes makes me feel a little depressed. That's why i have the Taekwondo. I think that if i don't practice another thing i will explode.
    I'm thinking about what ^will going to do after i finish my studies. This SP carrer has a lot of SP posibilities. ? You will work with horses, or with cows, or sheeps, or dogs, or cats, or in a lab, etc. I'd like SP animmal production, work with milk. meat. or things like that. I hope to decide soon because the time SVA pass fast.

    well done! I´m sure you will succeed.

  3. Anónimo says:

    Yes, is hard but I know that you can get over anything obstacle, everyone of us. Don't be dissapointed.

  4. hi rene !!!
    I too would like to work with horses!!
    i see you in the uni !! :D
    bye bye !!

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